Online Resources for Educators
A.D.D. Children and Homework offers a vast collection of articles and resources
for those with ADD and/or learning disability. The Homework and Study Skills resource page
includes a variety of useful Homework Tips & and School Strategies for students with ADD.
Adolescent Health and Mental Health
An Internet guide to adolescent mental health issues, including self-esteem, peer pressure, dating and family stress. Links and interactive advice for parents & teens. (Fenichel)
A visually engaging and interactive site for teachers and parents of young children, aged 3 and up. A colorful cross between Disneyland and Sesame Street, a child-safe environment of wonderment and learning. Words, numbers, & life are all presented with audio and visual pizazz. Developed by child psychologists and educators.
Pediatrician-turned-thinking specialist Dr. Mel Levine has become a guru to parents, teachers and learning specialists. His approach is to "de-mystify" how we are impacted by our strengths and weaknesses during the course of learning and performing in school.
The site has evolved into a blog-style companion to the AKOM products, and is diminished (&/or evolving) in its content (2011). One can still find specific techniques that children along with parents and teachers can employ to promote learning, attention and focusing skills, and more effective task performance.
Autistic Spectrum / Autism / Asperger
This is a resource list initially shared with psychologists, and next with educators, therapists, and parents. The labels and accommodations and costs are all changing rapidly. For those who can and do work with these special children, here is a sampling of some of the best resources I've found helpful, plus some first-hand accounts. My 'takeaway', my main idea, is that we need to to recognize, engage, support and teach. Mindfully. There are several similar-appearing 'cognitive styles', as clinical psychology explores, while Richard Gardner encourages us to appreciate and nourish our ''multiple intelligences'. This list offers some Stories and lessons, from those who know better than anyone.
"Best on the Web" for Teachers
Self-described as "the web portal for educators", this page offers a vast directory of useful sites, along with statistics on their own site pages' popularity. Among other
special features there are entire sections on teacher timesavers,
lesson_plans, printables, and subject-specific resources. (
Children and Internet Use:
Social, Psychological and Academic Consequences for Low-income Children
Does using the Internet affect children's development? Does school performance suffer or improve? These questions were explored by researchers at Michigan State University. The findings suggest that Internet access may be most helpful for those with the least access. What are the implications of the digital divide for our students? (American Psychological Association)
Children and Trauma
9-1-1 Disaster Resources - A discussion guide for teachers in approaching the World Trade Center tragedy with students, professional references for mental health practitioners, survivor links, and information about the signs and symptoms of trauma and post-traumatic stress syndrome. (2001, Fenichel)
Children & Violence
A compilation of useful resources for teachers, counselors, parents, and students describing the causes and warning signs of violence. (Fenichel)
Truly a teacher's helper, this site now features over 10,000 easy to access lesson plans and over 1000 WebQuests, each a classroom-based activity perfect for cooperative learning lessons across a vast array of subjects. Engaging, high-quality curriculum-based materials.
From the non-profit foundation set up by film-maker George Lucas, Edutopia is intended to promote his vision of
"an ideal educational landscape, where students are motivated to learn and teachers are energized by the excitement of teaching." An excellent collection of multi-media resources for enlightened educational communities, K-8.
An informative, user-friendly guide to (U.S.) elementary schools. Offers a snapshot of state-by-state demographics in such key areas as student:teacher ratios
and use of subsidized lunch programs. [National Center for Education Statistics in the United States] Links allow visitors to drill down to specific state, town, county and school district levels. Finally,
the site also offers blogs with discussions on news and events relating to schools, teaching, and education generally. [11/2010]
From "the museum of science, art, and human perception", this educational site offers a wealth of interactive exhibits ranging from a new look at mathematics and the science of baseball, to hiking up a Volcano in Antarctica or visiting the Hubble Space telescope. Definitely worthwhile visiting from the comfort of one's home or classroom.
Gifted LD
Here is some useful information and resources for students, teachers and parents, about how to support gifted students who have learning disabilites. (LD Info)
healthfinder® is a gateway consumer health
and human services information web site from the United States government.
Comprehensive site featuring topical Q&A's, lists of educational software, vendors, and both onsite and Facebook-based community forums. Lots of free printables, lesson plans, online programs, and more to choose from, mostly free but also featuring (optional) links for related products and services.
IDEA Resources
From the U.S. Department of Education, a collection of IDEA 2004 references, as well as the actual IDEA 2004 document. (Updated 2018)
There are separate reference areas for students, parents, teachers,
and administrators.
LD Online
" project is the world's leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD." [Source]
From Washington's Public Television station, an easy-to-use site with a diversity of parent-teacher resources.
[En Español]
Learning Network
"Connections for Students, Teachers and Parents" from The NY Times On the Web.
A resource rich with current events, language arts topics, games, and a search tool for finding lesson plans.
Literacy Online
"A resource for research and development on literacy in the U.S. and worldwide." (University of Pennsylvania)
Parents Guide to the Internet
Information on safely navigating the "information highway" at home and in school. Tips for getting started, a glossary of Internet terms, & a list of USDE-recommended sites.
(U.S. Department of Education, November 1997)
PBS TeacherSource
Excellent resource for topical discussions on current events and local television presentations. Special features by curriculum area, including Arts & Literature, Health & Fitness, Social Studies, math, science, and technology.
Powers of 10
A cosmic perspective on the universe, from the Milky Way to sub molecular particles of our backyard plants: In powers of 10. Zoom in from outer galaxies to Earth and its atomic structure. Entertaining, interactive, and educational.
Public Library of Science
"PLoS is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource." (Source)
Quiz Hub
Quiz Hub (once Kids Hub) is a free "online interactive learning center" that makes homework and project assignments fun. The site features a variety of engaging
spelling and typing activities, educational games, puzzles, current events, quizzes, study tips and homework help by subject area. Oriented towards elementary and middle school curricula.
( - Teaching Resources
A familiar name to teachers and parents, Scholastic has a huge site full of resources and tools for teachers, including student activities, brainstorming ideas, blogs, lesson plans, projects, links to great educational sites and more. The site also offers subscription-based access to 'printables' and additional features, but there are many free resources here too, for both educators and parents.
Science Daily
Self described as "Your Source for the Latest Research News", and beloved by many college students as of late, there are indeed
a large number of easily-accessible studies summarized and with links to more detail, in topics ranging (when I last looked) from childrens' memory and mathematics, to thirsty plants, moonstruck owls, robots, flying fish, and carbon mapping. Lots to explore.
Everybody learns best when motivated and confident. Here's a few observations and recommended links, from a clinical/school psychologist. (Fenichel)
This organization's mission is "to inform, empower, and encourage aspiring, new, and veteran teachers" [source]. Particularly useful resources for the new or aspiring teacher - from planning relevant study across subject areas to understanding state-by-state requirements - as well as lesson plans and other materials for the working classroom teacher.
A huge resource which is particularly good for networking and seeking or sharing collegial suggestions.
For example, on one of the many message boards, a recent discussion was about finding appropriate chalkboards for kindergarten children. Many active chat groups and also live presentations on topics of interest to educators.
How-to's on finding educational grants, resources, and information on Technology & the New Teacher.
Teaching ASD Children and Adults
An incredible, practical guide by the one and only Temple Grandin. Dr.Grandin is herself autistic, and a world expert on the psychology of animals and people with Autism/Asperger's Syndrome. Fascinating, recommended reading for teachers and their students. Readers will learn a great deal about autistic thinking and behavior. (Autism Research Institute)
The WWW Virtual Library
From the U.K., an enormous collection of online museums and other resources from around the world. Originally founded by Prof. Jonathan Bowen as the Virtual Library Museums Pages it has continued to grow and evolve as a huge directory (with sub-directories) of subjects.[English, French, Spanish]
Last Updated: Tuesday, 04-Mar-2025 23:19:03 EST
Copyright © 1996-2025 Michael Fenichel