The Monastery of San Juan
El Monasterio de San Xoan de Caaveiro (Galicia)

[Bird's Eye View]
Photograph Copyright © 2003-2022 Michael Fenichel

El Monasterio de San Xoan de Caaveiro dates from the late 900's (Siecle X), although some local sources date it back still further.

A Benedictine Monastery for several centuries, this fortress with cathedrals, cells, and housing areas still reveals its beauty after 1000 plus years.

From the top there is a commanding
bird's eye view of the forest and Eume River valley below. The art and architecture reflect influences from the Pre-Romanic, Baroque, and New Romanic eras.

[For more history and a virtual visit with music - en Español & 5 more languages, visit]

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Photography by Fenichel © 1996-2022
Michael Fenichel

This page last updated: Thursday, 31-Mar-2022 22:39:05 EDT

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