Big Island (Hawai'i)

[Sunset at Hawaii's City of Refuge]

Photograph Copyright © 1994-2020 Michael Fenichel

Beautiful, awesome Hawai'i. The Big Island. This image is among my favorites from the "Place of Refuge", Pu'uhonua O Honaunau. In the days when standing in the High Priest's path may have led to instant death, the only hope for many was to travel far across the islands to the Kahuna at the Place of Refuge, where one might find mercy and forgiveness of the Hawai'ian gods. I travelled 6000 miles to return to this place and be here at the right times, to see the rainbow's end or simply incredible sunsets.

My Hawai'ian Islands collection is still growing and improving. Be sure to check out the new pages below, and bookmark or favorite. You can basically click or tap around the islands now, as I've gotten to some new places, including Moloka'i. I've been adding more images, and there is more to come. Either tap around or choose from the text links. Enjoy some virtual Hawai'i.

Mahalo for visiting...



HAWAI'IAN ISLANDS: BIG ISLAND: Place of Refuge Kilauea Volcano Hilo Kona | OAHU: Waikiki Sunset Mokolii | KAUA'I | MAUI: Mt. Haleakala SilverSword DragonTeeth | MOLOKA'I

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       Last Updated: Friday, 21-Aug-2020 15:58:45 EDT

Copyright © 1997-2020 Michael Fenichel

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