ABC NEWS (U.S.) | BBC NEWS (UK/Europe) | BBC World News (U.S.) |
CBS NEWS | CNN-International | FOX | Global News (CA) | MS-NBC | NBC News/Blogs | Reader Supported News
ABYZ News Links
An amazing collection of news organization web sites. Look at news from all around the world or local to yourself, whether you live in North America, Europe, Asia
, or Africa. And all points in between. A huge collection of news sources online.
Al-Masry Al-Youm Online
A complete English-language rendition of this Arabic-language news service from Egypt. In the climate of today, with revolution, political and religious strivings, and populist movements fueled by access to the digital information age and social networking tools, this is a clear and lucid voice reflecting events of the day as seen from the ground. A good source of realtime information (not propaganda) from the region, and part of the toolset for democracy and free speech now being increasingly enjoyed throughout the region. [2011] [Arabic]
BBC Online
From the UK's pre-eminent news broadcasting monolith, here's their online directory of how to best access breaking news and features on any of the BBC radio and television channels. [ News | World Service | Magazine | Technology ]
BBC World News North America
This is a companion site, with video clips and special features, which reflects the broadcast edition oriented towards the American and Canadian
Public. It covers the world, like the UK original BeeB (link above) but spends additional time with the terrific correspondents assigned to cover North American political events and national news of import to Americans and Canadians in particular. Check out both versions and you'll have an excellent feel for the European perspective on World Events as well as an outside (sometimes amused) look at American daily life and news. [2014]
Cartooning for Peace
Featured recently across the spectrum of online and television media. including BBC and FR24. The title speaks for itself.
This is an international online exhibition where viewers can see and understand events through the eyes of artists who are there: Brave cartoonists telling their stories through the universal language of images, ideas, and ideals. With a twist of perspective.
The Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago is one of America's great cities, and they have a great newspaper, with this great site.
CNN Interactive
On-Line News and Features from Cable News Network
Here is a site said to be the U.K.'s "Number One Newspaper Portal". The page offers news headlines, a search engine, and links to several well-known newspapers, ranging from the Telegraph and Star, to the Irish Times, and the Times of London. does for political spin & hype what Urban Legends does for separating out rumor and myth from the statements of fact presented in mass email mailings. For those who suspect that
politicians and pundits may be somewhat loose with The Truth at times, here's an independent source of fact-checking the content
of speeches and commentary and illuminating what is real from what is propaganda, misinformation, distortion, or wishful thinking.
France24 offers in-depth coverage of breaking stories around the world, and like BBC and other European news organizations provides
stories not necessarily covered as widely in the US media. A useful site, and companion to their television broadcast.
GlobalNews (Canada)
Canada's Global News is a straightforward, calm and focused presentation of the day's news, both national (Canadian) and International, with a refreshingly 'non-partisan', not-fake, delivery of news story with relevant facts and context, including a non-biased reportage of what is happening in their neighboring North American country of the U.S.A., without spin or partisan bias as is so common South of the(ir) border.
The Hill
The ultimate insider's place to watch and discuss the politics and working (or lack thereof) on The Hill - Capitol Hill, Washington. With articles, blogs, tweet trends, and more, for the really interested in (and/or obsessed by) U.S. lawmaking and policy activities as they unfold.
International Index of On-line Newspapers
Over 1400 Listings, from Australia's Web Wombat, "No.1 Search Engine Down Under". An excellent resource!
(Thanks to Ian)
Internet Archive
Here is a project on a mission to digitalize much of the world's accumulated information, including popular media: , and share it online. "We want to collect all the books, music and video that has ever been produced by humans" - Brewster Kahle. [NY Times 9/18/12]
McLaughlin Report
Issue #1, bashing the panel members and politicos. For those who think the mainstream press "too liberal", here's a 90-proof "conservative" spin on the news.
Moscow Times
Here is a very useful English-language newspaper which I read while in Moscow (during Sochi and events in Ukraine). Because I cannot characterize it as pro or anti-anything, and it seems to give a good overview with balanced perspective - pro and con about Crimea or Sochi protests, for example - I'd definitely recommend this as an informed source of 'straight from the source' reporting out of Moscow. Very pleased to find it online.
News, Politics, Sports, Entertainment, & Special Anniversary Features
New York One - NY1
OnLine Version of New York City's Cable Television News Channel
New York Times: 2005 - The Year in Pictures
Photographic Images of 2005, from natural disasters to man-made triumphs and disasters. Some extraordinary photographs.
[2004 Photos]
NY TIMES On-Line: CyberTimes
All the Internet News Fit To Print (Free Registration required)
An essential background tool for political reporters and students of history/current events, this site brings to light the big & little secrets not getting due coverage in the mainstream news.
For Example, the graphic below reflects the money trail (well, mountain) in the 2012 elections. Follow the link for a look at the 2016 election/money cycle. The widgets may need a few more digits.
PBS News Hour
American Public Television's award-winning journalism, from McNeil-Lehrer and a roster of savvy intelligent discussions with the
news-makers and analysts of our day.
Pew Research Journalism Project: State of the News Media 2014
"[The] eleventh edition of an annual report by the Pew Research Center's Journalism Project examining the landscape of American journalism.... [I]ncludes special reports about the revenue picture for news, the growth in digital reporting, the role of acquisitions and content sharing in local news and developments around digital video." - Source
Political Odd Couple of the Year: Hillary and Rudy
A picture is worth a thousand words. This one comes from Yours Truly, with links to more photography.
Roll Call Online
Policy Briefings, Politics, and Commentary. "Plug into Congress" with the online edition of Roll Call.
Salon Magazine
Investigative e-zine which itself made news and affected the course of events in the late 90's by revealing that some Congressmen casting stones at the President were
not without sin themselves. An alternative voice which continues to poke and prod into stories with implications for daily life.
This site comes highly recommended by the likes of Bill Moyers and other highly respected journalists. It distills the essence of stories beneath the sound bytes and presents concise summaries of the eyebrow-raising talking points of the day.
Tampa Tribune
Tampa Bay On-line, with interactive features and AP updates.
TV News Archive - 2009 thru Today
From the Internet Archive project,
"Every morsel of news produced in the last three years by 20 different channels, encompassing more than 1,000 news series that have generated more than 350,000 separate programs devoted to news".[NY Times]
Washington Post
Top-notch news coverage combined with easy-to-use and graphically nice web page.
Dr.Mike's Homepage Teaching Tools
Comments? Suggestions?
Last Updated: Tuesday, 04-Aug-2020 22:23:02 EDT
Copyright © 1996-2020 Michael Fenichel