Swamps of Florida: Corkscrew & Big Cypress

[Corkscrew Swamp Title Page - Wildflowers]

At the Northwestern edge of the Everglades is one of the best preserved and maintained swamp ecosystems anywhere, with ancient cypress trees, landmarked like California's Redwoods, and a boardwalk hiking path into wetlands and lettuce ponds.

You can see more thistle - along with birds & bees - on my Nature Page ("Two bees or not two bees?")

[Little Blue Heron on Lettuce]

Little Blue Heron Dancing on Water Lettuce

Cypress Trees in Corkscrew Swamp

Cypress Swamp in Corkscrew

A short video from Big Cypress Swamp

Blue Dasher Dragonfly in Water Lettuce Pond (Corkscrew)

Blue Dasher Dragonfly

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Photography by Fenichel ©1996-2024
Michael Fenichel

Last Updated: Friday, 07-Jun-2024 11:46:40 EDT

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