[Teaching Tools]


Adolescent Health & Mental Health
Choice Internet resources for such current topics as anorexia, school anxiety, dating, puberty, & catastrophizing/negativity..

Child/Adolescent Trauma
An extensive resource developed in the immediate aftermath of the Sept.11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center. Information for teachers, counselors and mental health workers about recognizing and coping with acute stress and trauma.

Chronic Illness Resources for Teens
"These resources are the result of a collaboration between the Koop Institute and the S.T.A.R. Program for teens with chronic illness." Personal stories by teens facing a variety of chronic illnesses.

Middle School Malaise
The transition from primary to middle school is stressful enough. Add the ingredients of adolescence and schools not designed to be stimulating and teen-friendly, and middle-school malaise can thrive. (APA)

Parenting Resources
A selection of mega-resources for parents of teenagers and younger children. Includes a great site on teen pregnancy and sexual behavior. (Fenichel)

Peer Pressure
One of the hallmarks of adolescence! Here are several articles about how teens deal with, and hopefully manage successfully, peer pressure. (Fenichel)

Prevention of Mental Disorders in School-Aged Children: Current State of the Field
A report appearing in a special edition of APA's online journal, Prevention and Treatment.
"The most authoritative article in the entire literature on which programs effectively prevent mental illness and its symptoms." -- Martin Seligman, PhD (President, APA)
Note: The journal ceased publication in 2003, and the original version is no longer available. However, one can read the source study from Penn State (.pdf)

A collection of websites which focus on success developing a positive self-concept. (Fenichel)

Teacher Resources
Teaching tools for middle-school educators, counselors, and psychologists. A collection of teacher-tested websites offering curriculum-based classroom projects, info on Using the Internet, & interesting learning experiences for both teachers and students.

What is Cool? (What's Hot, What's Not?)
A psychologist's perspective on peer pressure and self-esteem, and a discussion with a group of today's teens on "What's Cool" and what's not.

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