The Grave of St. John


[Grave of St.John - Ephesus]

As written in the New Testament, Jesus sent his trusted disciple John to this region, with Virgin Mary, to flee persecution and spread the gospel. Here, near Bodrum in the South of Turkey, is the Grave of St. John the Apostle, on the right. A plaque commemorates the visit of Pope Paul VI in 1967. You can see both Greco-Roman influence as well as the defiling of the temple and carving of "Coptic crosses". A fortress built by later conquerors stands majestically in the background, while little but ruins are left of the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.

Turkey : Bodrum: Camel  Peach Peddler  St. Peter's Castle || Kismet - Kuşadası || Istanbul: Çamlica | Old Town Views | Turkish Guard
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Last Updated: Saturday, 20-Jun-2020 21:26:24 EDT

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