Photography by Fenichel: Enkhuizen, Noord-Holland

[Enkhuizen, Noord-Holland]

"Enkhuizen, like Hoorn and Amsterdam, was one of the harbour-towns of the VOC, from where overseas trade with the East Indies was conducted. It received city rights in 1355.
On June 24, 1572 during the Eighty Years' War, in Enkhuizen five Franciscans from Alkmaar were hanged: known as the martyrs of Alkmaar."
- Wikipedia

[Boats and Autumn Foliage]

[Enkhuizen, Drum]

[Anno 1649]

[Enkhuizen, Drum and Bridge]

[Enkhuizen, Village Across Bridge]

[Six OClock]

Click/tap here or on above photo for 2-Minute 4K Video as Bells Ring

[Brown Boat, Sunset, Windmills]

[Windows at Dusk]

Breukelen, Volendam, and Zaanse Schans

[Zaanse Schans Windmills]       [Windmill]

Zaanse Schans Windmills           Zaanse Schans Windmill      
[Breukelen near Water World] [Chocolade]
Breukelen near Waterworld    Chocolade Melk (Volendam)
[Volendam Street] [Panorama]
Volendam Street Panorama of Volendam Docks

Click/tap on thumbnail photos for larger image

[Volendam Windmill]

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[Color Line]


Centraal Station - AMSTERDAM

All photographs herein are Copyright ©1996-2025 Michael Fenichel. All Rights Reserved.
For information on purchasing, use, or licensing of images, please email Michael Fenichel

Last Updated: Wednesday, 05-Feb-2025 08:10:53 EST
Copyright © 1997-2025 Michael Fenichel

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