Washington, D.C.

Digital Images

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  [Vietnam Memorial]      
      [Washington Monument]     See the APA bag?
Vietnam Memorial Washington Monument Presidents Balinth and Lincoln
[Vietnam: Reflections]  [Montage] [Lincoln in Memorial]
Vietnam No.2: Reflection Montage (Convention Center) Lincoln in his Memorial
[Capitol Building]        [Reflecting Pond]       Yoda takes a drag
Capitol Building in natural context       Reflecting Pond, Ducks Poster Child (Addictions)

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All photographs on this page are Copyright © 2000 by Michael Fenichel and All Rights are Reserved.
This page was created: Friday, 18-Aug-2000

E-Mail Inquiries or Comments to: fotos@fenichel.com

Photography by Fenichel Copyright © 1996-2021 Michael Fenichel