American Psychological Association
118th Annual Convention - San Diego
August 12-15, 2010
These edited reports were originally posted to the Current Topics, Therapy Online, and Cyberpsychology list-servs, August 2010.
2010 Convention Highlights:
Online Support Groups & Applications | Evidence & Ethical Practice | Opening Ceremony | Sir Michael Rutter: Resilience
Group Memory | Psychology in the Digital Age | Steven Hayes: What Psychotherapists Have that the World Needs Now
"Asynchronously Live" from San Diego
I was very careful to take accurate notes during these presentations (including several pithy verbatim quotes), using handouts and/or photos of graphics to verify my notes. I apologize for any remaining errors or typos, and will be happy to immediately correct any mis-quotes, misattributions or mis-spellings brought to my attention. I welcome presenters' submission of additional online references which are relevant to (or mentioned in) these reports. Thanks, and... Enjoy! I hope you find this slice of psychology interesting and informative.
Prior Exposure to Risk as a Preventive Factor
"During the 1979/80 year at the Stanford Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, I took part in a group dedicated to understanding 'Stress, Coping, and Development' (See Garmezy & Rutter, 1983). For me, that was a formative year in numerous ways but one aspect, through talking with 'Gig' Levine, was to renew my appreciation for animal models.... [Levine's rodent studies in the 1950's] were influential through the demonstration that animals subjected to physical stressors showed an increased resistance to subsequent stress. I also became aware of parallel human studies by Glen Elder (1979) showing that adolescents who coped successfully with the stressors of the great economic depression emerged strengthened." |
Resilience = Relative resistance to environmental risk experiences, OR the overcoming of stress or adversity, OR a relatively good outcome despite risk experiences. - Sir Michael Rutter |